EventLog DFS Replication 中出現 Event ID 4012
The DFS Replication service stopped replication on the folder with the following local path: C:\DFSR\Folder. This server has been disconnected from other partners for xxx days, which is longer than the time allowed by the MaxOfflineTimeInDays parameter (60). DFS Replication considers the data in this folder to be stale, and this server will not replicate the folder until this error is corrected.
To resume replication of this folder, use the DFS Management snap-in to remove this server from the replication group, and then add it back to the group. This causes the server to perform an initial synchronization task, which replaces the stale data with fresh data from other members of the replication group.
查詢 MaxOfflineTimeInDays 設定值:
wmic.exe /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path DfsrMachineConfig get MaxOfflineTimeInDays