
使用 Let's Encrypt 來作為 VDI - RDCB 憑證時更新 GPO 派送 Thumbprints 的處理

連接 RemoteAPP 或 VM 的時候會跳出以下訊息
A website is trying to run a RemoteApp Program. Make sure that you trust the publisher before you connect to run the program
This Remoteapp program could harm your local or remote computer.

已知這個必須以 GPO 派送 RDCB 憑證的 Thumbprints
GPO 設定路徑如下:
Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Connection Client
>> Specify SHA1 thumbprints of certificates representing trusted .rdp publishers
但要使用 Let's Encrypt 這種兩、三個月就要更換一次憑證的免費方案的話
還要手動更新 GPO 設定中的指紋太麻煩了,於是找到相關的 PowerShell 指令可以用

搭配服用: 使用 PowerShell 自動佈署基於 Let's Encrypt 公開憑證的 Microsoft RDS (VDI/RemoteApp) 環境


Step-by-Step Guide for upgrading SYSVOL replication to DFSR (Distributed File System Replication)

This Article is not written by myself.
Just a backup in case of the original one might be offline someday.
All credit goes to http://www.rebeladmin.com

Origin URL:

SYSVOL is a folder shared by domain controller to hold its logon scripts, group policies and other items related to AD. All the domain controllers in network will replicate the content of SYSVOL folder. The default path for SYSVOL folder is %SystemRoot%\SYSVOL. This folder path can define when you install the active directory.

Windows Server 2003 and 2003 R2 uses File Replication Service (FRS) to replicate SYSVOL folder content to other domain controllers. But Windows server 2008 and later uses Distributed File System (DFS) for the replication.  DFS is more efficient than FRS. Since windows server 2003 is going out of support, most people already done or still looking for migrate in to latest versions. However migrating FSMO roles WILL NOT migrate SYSVOL replication from FRS to DFS. Most of the engineers forget about this step when they migrate from windows 2003 to new versions.

For FRS to DFS migration we uses the Dfsrmig.exe utility. More info about it available on https://technet.microsoft.com/en-au/library/dd641227(v=ws.10).aspx