繼前一篇 Synology Active Backup for Business for Hyper-V VM Failed to Backup #01
取得 Patch 跳過了 5 個 Snapshots 的問題後
於是再用 Support Center App 產生 Active Backup for Business 的 Debug Log 後
在 ActiveBackup\volume1\@ActiveBackup\log\vm.log 中看到
synoabk_vm_backup[6175]: synoabk_vm::[WARNING] hyperv_agent.cpp:1381(6175,139923524343360) [6175]hypervisor_agent/hyperv_agent.cpp:145 {"error_class":"PowerShellException","error_message":"Missing an argument for parameter 'Id'. Specify a parameter of type 'System.Int32[]' and try again.","error_params":{"Activity":"Stop-Process","Category":5,"Reason":"ParameterBindingException","TargetName":"","TargetType":"","error_id":"MissingArgument,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StopProcessCommand"},"success":false}
難道是 Powershell 語法錯誤少帶一個參數?
繼續又看到synoabk_vm_backup[6175]: synoabk_vm::[ERROR] hyperv_disk.cpp:74(6175,139923524343360) Connect to HyperV disk server failed. [No such file or directory], sock[/run/synoabk/virtual_disk_server_6175.sock]
synoabk_vm_backup[6175]: synoabk_vm::[WARNING] hyperv_agent.cpp:1386(6175,139923524343360) [6175]virtual_disk/hyperv_disk.cpp:75 HyperV Message: null
%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\ActiveBackup\**Some GUID**\2.6.0-0025\hyperv_helper.exe
莫非就是那個 hyperv_helper.exe ?
於是我到 Microsoft Security Virus & threat protection 把那個程式加為例外 (Exclusions)
雖然說他的路徑有一個 GUID 讓我覺得好像路徑會每次都不一樣有點擔心
好吧,那個 Action blocked 的細節到底要去哪裡看呢?
原來在 Event Log 的以下位置:
Applications and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Widnows Defender -> Operational
那把 C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WmiPrvSE.exe 也加入 Microsoft Security Virus & threat protection 的 Exclusions 試試看
原來是我在測試期間直接把 Real-time protection 關掉了這招
成功完成備份後,我把那個 hyperv_helper.exe 從例外清單中移除
只保留 C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WmiPrvSE.exe 一個
也是能成功完成備份 ==> 當然可以,因為開了大絕招
結果後續過程中無意間將 Defender 等各種保護再開啟後就又備份失敗了 (心累)
在這裡看到了一個熟悉的字眼: Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard
就是在 Event Log 敘述開頭指出的元兇
在 Add-MpPreference 指令的說明中有提到三個參數:
(GPO Path: Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/Microsoft Defender Antivirus/Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard/Attack Surface Reduction/Exclude files and paths from Attack Surface Reduction Rules)
$UserProfilePaths = @();
$Exclusions = @();
$ExclusionsExisted = @();
$ExclusionsExisted += ((Get-MpPreference).AttackSurfaceReductionOnlyExclusions);
$UserProfilePaths += ((Get-WMIObject -ClassName Win32_UserProfile -Filter "Special = False").LocalPath);
$HyperVHelperHit = $False;
foreach ($UserProfilePath in $UserProfilePaths) {
$ABBPath = ($UserProfilePath + '\AppData\Local\ActiveBackup');
if ((Test-Path -LiteralPath $ABBPath) -eq $True) {
$HyperVHelperHit = $True;
$ABBHelpers = @();
$ABBHelpers += ((Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $ABBPath -Recurse) | where {$_.Extension -eq '.exe'});
if ($ABBHelpers.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($ABBHelper in $ABBHelpers) {
if ($ExclusionsExisted -NotContains $ABBHelper.FullName) {
$Exclusions += $ABBHelper.FullName;
} else {
$Exclusions = ($Exclusions | where {$_ -ne $ABBHelper.FullName});
if ($HyperVHelperHit -eq $True) {
$WmiPrvSE_FullName = ($env:SystemRoot+'\'+'System32\wbem\WmiPrvSE.exe');
if ($ExclusionsExisted -NotContains $WmiPrvSE_FullName) {
$Exclusions += $WmiPrvSE_FullName;
} else {
$Exclusions = ($Exclusions | where {$_ -ne $WmiPrvSE_FullName});
if ($Exclusions.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($Exclusion in $Exclusions) {
write-host ('Add "' + $Exclusion + '" as Exclusion to Microsoft Security Virus & Threat Protection');
Add-MpPreference -AttackSurfaceReductionOnlyExclusions $Exclusion
Synology 的技術支援工程師回覆我說:
hyperv_helper.exe 是 ABB 備份過程放到目標機器上協助執行備份任務的程式。
ABB 會需要透過 hyperv_helper.exe 在備份任務的過程做兩件事:
- 計算 CBT 回報給 ABB
- 讀取目標虛擬機的虛擬硬碟資料,傳遞給 ABB 儲存
之前沒有碰到此問題,是因為備份任務在執行到上述兩事項之前就因為 snapshot limit 問題而中止了。