
取得分享資料夾權限列表 (Share Permission)

先至微軟網站下載 SubInACL (SubInACL.exe) 這支 Resource Kit

預設安裝路徑是 C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools
安裝完成後可以下列語法取得 Share Permission

subinacl /share <sharedfoldername> /display

例如: subinacl /share \\FileServer\ShareFolder /display

Collecting DACL of Share Folder
subinacl /share <sharedfoldername> /display >c:\share.txt
NOTE:Please replace the <sharedfoldername> with real shared folder name on the file server, don’t include “<>”.
like \\share\folder
or you can also do it on server. Just input the folder's name

Collecting DACL of NTFS Folder
subinacl /file <full path of problem file> /display >c:\file.txt
NOTE: Please replace the <full path of problem file> is full path of one problem file, such as “E:\TEMP\abc.doc”, don’t include “<>”.

subinacl /subdirectories <the full path of file’s parent folder> /display >c:\folder.txt
NOTE: Please replace the < the full path of file’s parent folder > is full path of the parent folder of the problem file, such as “E:\TEMP”, don’t include “<>”.

You may need to collect the share DACL on a client, and collect the NTFS on a server

